Shop BHoF Online

Our Museum Store Is Now Online!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our online shop, featuring custom products from our museum store! Show your devotion to burlesque history with t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and tons of other fun items, the proceeds of which contribute to BHoF’s mission to preserve, share, and inspire the art of

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Museum Store Sunday

Be a patron on Museum Store Sunday, Nov 25, 2018

Our museum store will be open special hours for Museum Store Sunday on November 25, Noon to 4pm. Falling the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Museum Store Sunday lets you kick off your holiday gift shopping with unique, meaningful products that allow you to not only share your passion but to support

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Michelle L'amour

Naked Girls Reading at BHoF, Nov 16, 8-10pm

Author, filmmaker, and actor Leslie Zemeckis hosts a reading of her latest book, Feuding Fan Dancers: Faith Bacon, Sally Rand, and the Golden Age of the Showgirl by 2005 Miss Exotic World Michelle L’amour, performer and photographer Bettina May, and performer and BHoF collection assistant Darby Fox on Friday, November

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Jennie Lee holiday card

Send holiday cards to the Legends of Burlesque

Help us make the holidays a little brighter by sending cards for your favorite burlesque Legends. Now through December 1, we will be collecting cards to forward. A list of people whose mailing addresses we currently have up-to-date can be found below; you can send any of them a card

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Best of Las Vegas 2018

Thank you Las Vegas for voting us BEST OF LAS VEGAS!

We are beyond excited to announce that The Burlesque Hall of Fame has been selected a BEST OF LAS VEGAS winner in the 2018 Las Vegas Review-Journal Best of Las Vegas poll. BHoF was awarded “Bronze” by voters, placing us in the top 3 best museums in Las Vegas. As

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Liz Renay

Liz Renay Manuscript Restoration Project Finished

The Burlesque Hall of Fame offers our sincere thanks to the archive team at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, for their invaluable assistance in restoring a bundle of Liz Renay manuscripts acquired from her estate. Liz Renay published a number of books in her lifetime, including titles like My Face

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Gail Winns visits BHoF

Thanks to two donors for our new Audio and Video System!

THANK YOU Gail Winns & Lyle Sheftel, and John Humphries of EARTH WATER SKY who together have brought us a brand new PA and AV system! Thanks to them we can fill our museum with music, and host screenings, lectures and presentations in our Bawdy Shop studio. Gail Winns and Lyle Sheftel

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Remembering October 1

One year ago today, a man with a hotel room full of guns unleashed his hate on the Route 91 Harvest music festival, just a few short miles from us. A year later, we still do not really know what motivated him to kill 58 people, injure over 850 others,

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Detail of Dita Von Teese Costume

NEW EXHIBITION – “Curves Ahead: Burlesque Superstars Gypsy Rose Lee and Dita Von Teese”

Today we are excited to reveal a new temporary exhibit, “Curves Ahead: Burlesque Superstars Gypsy Rose Lee and Dita Von Teese”. Featuring costumes worn by Gypsy Rose Lee and Dita Von Teese, both on loan from the personal collection of BHoF Board member Dita Von Teese, the exhibition highlights two

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Sally Rand's "Leda and the Swan" act

Who’s Who in Burly-Q: Sally Rand (1904-1979)

Not many performers come to burlesque after having had a successful career elsewhere, but that’s exactly what Sally Rand did. Rand started in the theater as a teenager in Kansas City and enjoyed some success. Deciding to make her name in Hollywood, she joined the Ringling Bros. Circus and traveled

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