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Atomic Bombshells flyerGive us your flyers, your posters, your bundled postcards yearning to be preserved! Announcing the launch of the BHoF Flyer Project, an ongoing effort to collect and preserve flyers, posters, postcards, and other promotional materials from the world of contemporary burlesque. The history of burlesque is being written every day, with every bump, every grind, every twirl of the tassel and flitter of the fan, and we want to make sure that history is preserved for the next generation of burlesque performers, fans, and scholars. And the next one.

So here’s the deal: Download the Flyer Archive Form from our website and fill it out as best you can. There’s some technical stuff we have to have you sign off on, basically saying you understand you’re giving us something as opposed to lending or selling it to us, and some information we need to help us keep track of the collection. Then stick it an an envelope with copies of your posters, postcards, flyers, whatever promotional material you create, and mail it to the address on the form.

Houses of the Unholy flyerSend as many pieces as you like (but please no more than one of any given design) and as often as you like. Drop one in the mail every time you have a show, or save them up for a few months and do it all at once. We’ll add whatever you send directly to the archive, making sure that your contribution to the history – and the future – of burlesque is preserved for posterity.

Flyer Archive Form

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