Photo by Josh Vine Photography
Congratulations to Precious Ephemera, our 2019 Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship recipient! Precious was chosen for their activism on behalf of LGBTQ communities, and particularly for their work building connections between generations, work very much in the spirit of Sparkly herself.
As the scholarship recipient, Precious will receive a full pass to all four showcases and all Master Classes during The 2019 Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend at the Orleans Hotel and Casino this June 6-9, and will be paired with one of the attending Legends to act as their escort for the Weekender.
“I’m completely gobsmacked and humbled to be selected for the Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship!” Precious told us when we notified them. “As a steward of this award, I will dedicate myself to absorbing and preserving the legendary history of our community. I’m so grateful to The Burlesque Hall of Fame and the pioneering women who made this opportunity possible. I got the news when I was just looking for the time on my phone – I squealed out loud and then hugged a total stranger in public! I can’t wait to share what I learn from this experience.”
The Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship is intended to encourage a stronger relationship between the younger and older generations of burlesque performers and to instill a sense of service to the burlesque community. Recipients are chosen in part for their commitment to the burlesque community and to the Legends who embody our history.
We are pleased to honor Precious Ephemera with this award.