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Camille 2000

In her twenty years as a headlining artist, Camille 2000 worked with many of burlesque’s most notable talents, including choreographer Paul Markoff, costumers Simon Sorr and Hedy Jo Star.  Having established herself as a glamorous “traditional” feature, Camille went on to push the envelope with her performances, introducing audiences to a more aggressive (some might even say “sensational”) style of striptease–including but not limited to her legendary, leather-clad tribute to the Marquis de Sade.

A member of the Screen Actors Guild, Camille has appeared in  several movies and TV shows. She currently resides in Florida, where she runs The Cosmic Hog Pen motorcycle accessory store.

Camille 2000 “The Girl for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” will be performing LIVE  at the 54TH ANNUAL BURLESQUE REUNION SHOWCASE Friday, June 3 at the Orleans Showroom. Tickets on sale now!


  1. Reply
    Camille says:

    That would be T.V. shows, dahlin

  2. Reply
    Movers, Shakers & Innovators 2012 – Burlesque Hall of Fame says:

    […] Diamondback Annie (Los Angeles, CA) Tigger! (New York, NY) The Cosmic Queen of Burlesque, Camille 2000 Dusty Summers, The Nude Magician Alotta Boutté (San Francisco, CA) Angi B. Lovely (Dallas, TX) […]

  3. Reply
    Todd Kachinski-Kottmeier says:

    Posting this class across facebook, for the number one writer at Pirate’s Mark Press!

  4. Reply
    Kat Damien says:

    Hi Camille, I’m Kat Damien Miss Cosmopolitan of Burlesque. We worked together on the beach at the Place Pigalle for Harry Ridge. I think also the Gayety. I just now found this site. I’m so happy to see you have done well. Take care. 🙂

  5. Reply
    Mary Steele says:

    My Aunt just passed away. She was 1 of the first IF Girl’s. Her stage name is Kim Parrish and has world all over the US. I would LOVE to send her portfolio to a Museum that would display her as well as many more Beautiful woman that she worked with an collected photos of. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you

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