What has two Queens, an American Treasure, a fire twirler, and more tassels than you can twirl a stick at?That’s right, it’s TWIRL-A-THON!

Join host Blanche Debris and three Very Special Guest Judges, Dirty Martini, Poison Ivory, and Desiré D’Amour, as they witness a ton of tassel twirling ENTIRELY FOR YOUR BENEFIT!
And for the benefit of The Burlesque Hall of Fame. Our Twirlers raised over $1000 in pledges and direct donations for the museum, using just the sweat of their… brows.
So why are you reading this when you could be watching twirling bits? Go to https://vimeo.com/ondemand/twirlathon right now and watch the show. For just $5, you get your very own streaming copy to watch again and again and again. And again.
Thank you to everyone involved for performing in and producing easily the best 30-minute unscripted drama of the 2020 programming season.