Dirty Martini, Julie Atlas Muz on French TV

France24‘s Culture Show has just posted a “slinky, sexy, more than a little but naughty” interview with Hall of Fame royalty Dirty Martini (Miss Exotic World, Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2004) and Julie Atlas Muz (Miss Exotic World, Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2006), both of whom are presently in Paris,

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Behind The Garter Belt: Immodesty Blaize

I’m not alone when I say I’ve been dazzled by the sublime opulence that are the costumes of international showgirl, Immodesty Blaize. Throwing out my usual questions for Behind The Garter Belt, I was honoured to be privy to Immodesty’s sketches for some of her signature show’s costumes and you,

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