Movers, Shakers & Innovators 2011

We are pleased to offer yet another glimpse of the awesomeness that awaits #BHOF11 attendees, in the form of the “Who’s Who in Burly-Q” appearing in Thursday night’s MOVERS, SHAKERS & INNOVATORS Showcase. These acts have been specially selected for being unique, innovative, dazzling… and especially noteworthy. The creative forefront

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RIP Tura Satana, 1935-2011

Sad news from BQ HQ: According to her close friend and manager, Siouxzan Perry, Tura Luna Pascual Yamaguchi (aka Tura Satana) passed away yesterday in Reno, NV. A press release is expected in the next few days, as well as a memorial page on which people can share their memories

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