Dixie Evans inside the Exotic World Burlesque Museum, 2005. Photo by Laure Leber.

Dixie Evans (1926 – 2013)

The burlesque world mourned the passing on August 3, 2013, of Dixie Evans, “The Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque”, the godmother of the burlesque revival, founder of the Miss Exotic World pageant in 1991, and Exotic World’s curator, director, and champion. This page is in her memory. We’ve asked Dr. Lucky,

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Exotic World & The Burlesque Revival

Comedian and burlesque performer/enthusiast Margaret Cho narrates this sneak peek of Red Tremmel‘s feature-length documentary about Exotic World Ranch (home of the Burlesque Hall of Fame from 1991-2006). Filmed over the course of several years–including the last five Miss Exotic World pageants at the ranch, prior to our relocation to

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