Holiday Cards

2019 Holiday Card Drive for the Legends of Burlesque

Help us make the holidays a little brighter by sending cards for your favorite burlesque Legends. Now through December 6, we will be collecting cards to forward. A list of people whose mailing addresses we currently have up-to-date can be found below; you can send any of them a card

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Nevada Arts Council logo

NAC Operating Support Grant Received!

BHoF has been awarded a $21,000 Operating Support Grant by the Nevada Arts Council. Paid out over two years, this competitive grant is intended to help build Nevada’s arts infrastructure by providing unrestricted operating funds to non-profit organizations throughout the state. 35% of the funding of this grant comes from

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Thank you

Thank you Dr. Lawson!

Thank you to Dr. Jeffrey Lawson for his donation of $10,000 received by us this month. Dr. Lawson’s donation will allow us to launch a marketing and networking campaign intended to spread the word about BHoF and drive new traffic to the museum. We are deeply grateful for Dr. Lawson’s

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BHoF Ornaments - Pre-order TODAY!

Pre-Order NOW! BHoF Holiday Ornaments Featuring Jennie Lee

Decorate for the holidays with style this year. For the first time, BHoF is offering a gorgeous crystal holiday ornament featuring “Miss 44 and plenty more!” Measuring 2 5/8″ x 3 5/8″, this oval-shaped ornament will dazzle your family, friends, and guests (including jolly elves of all ages). Hang one

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Volunteers Needed: Remote Data-Entry

BHoF is looking for people anywhere in the world who can help us type up our handwritten inventories so we can import them into our database. To volunteer, sign up at and we’ll send you your first sheet. Each sheet contains about two dozen entries, and data is entered

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Join us July 5 for Liber-TEASE!

The Burlesque Hall of Fame is proud to present its Independence Day weekend show Liber-TEASE! In partnership with Ron Decar’s Event Center, the show will feature top burlesque performers from Las Vegas and beyond, including the 2018 Miss Exotic World Runner-up Jessebelle Thunder, performing alongside legends of the classic burlesque

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New exhibition Explores the Feminist Side of Burlesque

40 years ago, when the women’s movement attacked burlesque clubs for their objectification and exploitation of women, it did not seem that the protesters and the performers had much in common. But the ideals of feminism are found throughout the history of burlesque. The Burlesque Hall of Fame’s new ongoing

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We are a Blue Star Museum

Free Admission for Active Military and Their Families This Summer

The Burlesque Hall of Fame is proud to join museums nationwide in participating in the tenth summer of Blue Star Museums, a program which provides free admission to our nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families this summer. The 2019 program runs from Saturday, May 18, 2019, Armed Forces Day,

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2018 Annual Report cover

Now available: Our 2018 Annual Report

The Burlesque Hall of Fame is deeply committed to transparency and openness. We go well beyond the legal requirements for availability of core documents and financial records. Our “Core Documents” page contains our articles of incorporation, 1023 as filed with the IRS, current bylaws, code of ethics, collection policy, and

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New exhibition: “Body of Work: Midcentury Burlesque Through the Lens of F. Roy Kemp”

Canadian photojournalist F. Roy Kemp spent the 1950s documenting the New York burlesque scene, producing thousands of images that give us a glimpse into the public and private lives of performers unparalleled in other photographers’ work. Through October 2019, the Burlesque Hall of Fame will feature selections of this work,

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