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Introducing the Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship

The loss of Sparkly Devil over Memorial Day weekend stunned the entire burlesque world. Sparkly Devil was an inspiration to hundreds of performers, and had dedicated herself for years to building bridges between burlesque’s Legends and the newest generations of performers. In her honor, we have created the Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship.

Each year, one performer will have the opportunity to spend the Weekender learning from and mingling with the Legends. The selected applicant will receive the following:
●     A 4-day pass to the BHoF Weekender,
●     Admission to all of the Master Classes taught by the Legends of burlesque,
●     A 4-night stay at The Orleans,
●     A place as an escort for one of the Legends, and
●     A certificate of accomplishment.

Rules and information about how to apply will be posted on our website very soon.


  1. Reply
    Vince V. Vice says:

    I would like to get more info on this when it becomes available.

    Thank You,


    • Reply
      Dustin Wax says:

      Vince: We’ll be posting application guidelines for this soon. Please watch the BHoF Weekender site at or the Weekender Facebook page for more information as it becomes available.

  2. Reply
    Heidi Bang TIdy says:

    What a beautiful way to remember Sparkly. Thank you for doing this x

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