Noel Toy

Ed. note: This blogpost originally appeared on Soft Film as as “Noel Toy: Our Lady of Feathers.” It is a reprint of an article that first appeared in the cheesecake tabloid CO-EDS (May 1942). The photos are accompanied by their original captions. U. OF C.’s NOEL TOY NOBODY’S PLAYTHING CHINA GIRL CAN DISH

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Performance Archetypes: The Half-and-Half

While I’ve yet to find conclusive proof of its origin, the Half-and-Half—in which a solo performer utilizes clever, vertically divided costuming and skillful choreography to create the illusion of a duet—has long been a staple of classic burlesque performance. Most commonly associated with dichotomous male/female numbers (like Zorita’s racy “Bride & Groom,” top),

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Winners Interviews: Lou Lou D’vil, Best Debut

Finnish beauty, LouLou D’vil looks back on her BHoF 2011 experience… Congratulations LouLou! Did you imagine when you set off from Finland that you would return with a trophy? Thank you! I really didn’t expect to win, not at all! Are you keen to return and compete for Reigning Queen?

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Winners Interviews: Anna Fur Laxis, 1st Runner Up

First Runner Up, Anna Fur Laxis discusses her BHoF 2011 experience, and one of the most talked about performances of the weekend… Congratulations Anna! Are you happy with the result? Thank you! It was wonderful, and the feedback and responses I have had, both from the live performance and from

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Winners Interviews: Captain Kidd, Best Boylesque 2011

A post-win chat with newly crowned Australian burlesque royalty, Captain Kidd…   Well, congratulations Captain! Did you see that one coming?! I didn’t really see me walking away from BHOF with two, let alone one title/trophies!   When did you first hear about BHoF, and what made you decide to

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Winners Interviews: Indigo Blue, Reigning Queen 2011

In the first of a series of BHoF Winners Interviews, Indigo Blue shares her thoughts, feelings and future plans as the Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2011…   When you were announced, my heart leapt for you – the wave of love and happiness for you in the theatre was so

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Pearls of Wisdom from Burlesque Royalty…

For those of you who did not attend and have not had a chance to enjoy the edited version in the BHoF ’11 programme, here are some words of advice and best wishes for BHoF competitors and would-be queens and kings from some of the previous title holders…   “If

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A Dliteful Queen: Roxi Passes the Torch of Tease

As a new queen is crowned, Roxi Dlite looks back on her year as the Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2010… Roxi Dlite – Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2010 (©Roxi Dlite) How have you spent your year as Reigning Queen? Have you enjoyed it? How does it feel to be written

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Looking Back: Miss Exotic World #1 in the LA Times

Zebras and llamas and topless Santas, oh my! What a find–and what a time to find it; just came across this gem on the Los Angeles Times website and had to share it. We have the original in the BHOF press book, so I will scan and post the accompanying

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Dusty Summers

An active dancer, magician and emcee, Dusty Summers (“Las Vegas’ Only Nude Magician”) has appeared all over the United States and Canada throughout her over twenty-four years as an entertainer. An Arizona native, she has worked with such legendary booking agents as Jess Mack, Roland Muse, Sol Goodman and Wayne

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