Revealing Images: Gigi and Pop

In Revealing Images, photographer Don Spiro dishes up sweet photographic treats and the stories behind them. Today, Don aims his lens at New York City based band, Gigi and Pop. Gigi and Pop are a band based in New York City that is popular in the burlesque scene, it’s individual

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Boylesque in a Nutshell

I recently asked NY performer B.B. Heart to help me work on some new BIG articles.  When  brainstorming ideas, we soon discovered that we were most excited about at the moment were all of the boys in burlesque!  So it made sense to make our first piece about that very

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How Much Dance Choreography is Too Much?

Q: How much dance choreography is too much to add into a burlesque routine and how much is too little? I’ve heard burlesque dancers say “not too much dance choreography.” A: Formally trained dancers may have a tendency to think more about their choreography than their audience. In many rigidly

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Roxi’s Roll Call: Inspiration and Gratitude

Wow. There are so many things you can tell yourself when it comes to competing in a pageant. Everything you come up with will help you relax, perform the best you can and most of all, have fun with the experience. The one thing you can’t prepare for is actually

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