Open Fri & Sat 11-5, Sun 12-5 and Mon 11-5 BUY TICKETS NOW!

BHOF Weekend ’11: Apply NOW!

The application period for the 2011 Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend is now open!  New for this year, we’ve put the applications online— they’ve been designed so that you can sign in and out, save your information, and work on them at your own pace. You can start your application now, just head over to!

A few things to note:
• You must create an account with your email address in order to use the system.
• The application is the same application as previous years–just in a different format. So it’s not any longer than before.
• There is no charge to create an account or start filling out an application– but you must pay the application fee prior to submitting your application.
• The deadline to apply is February 22, 2011. We are aiming to notify all applicants of their standing by mid-March.
• The rules and judging criteria are the same as before, but we’ve clarified them so that (hopefully) most any question you may have can be answered there. If you have any questions specifically about the application itself, please email 2011_AT_bhofapplication_DOT_com.

But that’s not all… there’s even more BIG news, just around the corner! So keep your eyes peeled, here at, on our Yahoo group, Facebook page, Twitter–wherever you get your BHOF news–because we have another very big announcement coming very, verrrrrry soon! And don’t forget to mark your calendars and start planning your Vegas trips for June 2-5, 2011!


  1. Reply
    Tweets that mention BHOF Weekend ’11: Apply NOW! – Burlesque Hall of Fame -- says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sparkly Devil, Roxi Dlite and others. Roxi Dlite said: Get those apps in! Who's gonna be next to wear the crown? “@burlesquehall: New post: BHOF Weekend '11: Apply NOW!” […]

  2. Reply
    Barbara Stinchecum says:

    Hi I am interested in vendor information for the June 2-5 event. I did fill in the beginning part of the application–sorry, no act here! I have not received the confirmation email so cannot access further. Please do get in touch. Thank you. Barbara

  3. Reply
    morrie smiley says:

    Do you know which hotel it will be at yet or still at the plaza after reno’s are done?

    • Reply
      laura says:

      We will NOT be going back to the Plaza, but stay tuned, as we’ll be announcing our 2011 venue (and discount booking info) very soon!

  4. Reply
    j valente says:

    I need to know where the event is being held. You can sent it to my friends e-mail. Thanks. April March

    • Reply
      laura says:

      We’re at the Orleans. Can’t wait to see you there!

  5. Reply
    Terry Wilson says:

    My name is Terry Wilson; I am a producer/show host at Wealth TV in San Diego. I was surfing the web looking for ideas for shows and saw your site.

    I’d love to chat with you ASAP about your upcoming event, the BHOF weekend.

    We shoot everything in 3D (we also cut a 2D version as well) we have 10-million plus in our viewing audience and we’re carried by a host of well known cable providers.

    My goal is to produce a documentary-style 30-minute special on the history of Burlesque and to profile stars current and past. I’d also like to include an instruction segment on how to properly “tease” without offending.

    If we can make this happen we need to move fast. Please give me a call at 858 270 6900 extension 143. Please visit our website at


  6. Reply
    Ellion Ness says:

    WOW! The Orleans! There could not be a better show place.
    It is my personal favorite. Truely looking forward to seeing you all in Las Vegas. My highlight of the year. oxoooxx Ellion Ness

  7. Reply
    cabaret risque queer burlesque says:

    Looking forward to attending this year…if not, I’ll try for 2010.

  8. Reply
    Ms. Copperteal says:

    I would love to attend the festivities at the Orleans. I would like information regarding a vending booth. I have re-created the acryllic stave burlesque disc. I love to assemble burlesque fans.

    Thank you,

    Ms. Copperteal

  9. Reply
    Lamont Holliday says:

    Hello I am the son of Exotic Fan Dancer Jean Idelle. Jean would love to attend the BHOF this year June 2012. Maybe even be honored as one of the most successful burlesque dancers of her time. Are tickets on sale. How can we make this happen Jean would love to attend this year. Please contact me via e-mail above. Thanks and we look forward attending the BHOF this coming June.

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