We’re excited to finally be returning to the stage with a new installation of our (more or less) quarterly show, “TEASE: A Burlesque Revue,” on October 23 at 8pm. What’s more, we’re debuting in a new venue, The Space, a new community-driven, charity-based arts complex with a gorgeous performance hall.

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Promo photo for Charlie Quinn Starling. A platinum blonde woman stands in front of a wall with rose-patterneed wallpaper. SHe wears a black lace garter and lace-top stockings, matching panties, and a polka-dotted black brassiere with red tulle erupting from the top. SHe stands in 3/4 profile, her left hand caressing her torso and right hand at her side holding a black tulle boa, and one leg is forward in front of the other. Both hands wear elbow-length gloves. Her face is framed with chin-length rolls of blonde hair, and she stares into the camera with a nearly-expressionless face, darkened lips parted slightly. Atop her head is a headdress composed of several large red roses.]
Join us for a night of glamour, elegance, humor, sensuality, and a touch of Classic Las Vegas!
- Charlie Quinn Starling
- Aya Fontaine
- La Rosa Muerta
- Darby Fox
- SinJyn
- Neon
- Pony Poison
- Cora Vette, and
- Guest Burlesque Legend, Miss Nude Universe 1975, Tiffany Carter
Saturday, Oct. 23rd, at The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court, Las Vegas, NV 89103. Doors open 7:30pm , show starts 8pm.
Follow the link to reserve your tickets now!