Holiday Cards

Show your love to the Legends this holiday season!

The holidays are coming, and The Burlesque Hall of Fame would like your help spreading some much-needed holiday cheer with the legends of classic-era burlesque! We’d like to ensure they can still feel our love and support during these unprecedented times. We are holding our 10th Annual Legends Holiday Card

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Burlesque vs. # burlesque

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the new movie Burlesque, which features no actual burlesque. It’s got the BQ community up in a tizzy; and understandably so – some of us have been working in this genre for a decade or longer, so when you claim to make a

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Get Thee to a Mentor!

***Below are my personal opinions on mentorship. I have a big mouth, and this is my blog. Be warned.*** As I sit here, as I often do after reading my books and autobiographies about success and successful people, all I really wanted to share is: GET THEE TO A MENTOR!

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