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Statement of Support for Black Lives Matters protesters and activists; upcoming live auction postponed

The Burlesque Hall of Fame stands in solidarity with the protesters and activists who have taken to the streets across the nation and around the world.

We strongly stand against racism and violence. We stand in solidarity with the Black community, whether a burlesque performer, friend of the museum, or a stranger we have yet to meet. We stand with all who fight against systemic racism, white supremacy, and the historic oppression of the Black community.

Now is the time to give space and attention to the Black Lives Matter movement, to the protesters, to the communities affected by the violence perpetrated by outsiders and to all those in the People of Color community, especially our Black community members.

In support of the Black Lives Matter movement and to avoid distracting our supporters from the needs of their home communities at this historic moment, we have decided to postpone our auction fundraiser planned for this Friday, June 5th. While there will again be a time when a frivolous and fun-filled auction event like this is appropriate, it is not now.

The arts have long enjoyed the talents and contributions of Black people from around the world; the art of burlesque is no exception. That is why the BHoF leaders feel strongly that this event go dark and instead raise the stage lights for the great efforts of this crucial movement.  

We hope to announce a new date for the event soon but we will only do so when we feel there is room for such an event to occur. Please be patient as we navigate waters that are new to many of us.

We wish all those who support equality, justice and freedom from oppression, safety and health in the coming weeks.


–The Staff and Board of The Burlesque Hall of Fame

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Burlesque Hall of Fame