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Roxi’s Roll Call: Inspiration and Gratitude


There are so many things you can tell yourself when it comes to competing in a pageant. Everything you come up with will help you relax, perform the best you can and most of all, have fun with the experience. The one thing you can’t prepare for is actually winning.

Most of you already know I was recently crowned the Reigning Queen of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World 2010. So for the benefit of those who didn’t know — there you have it.

You can tell yourself who you’re going to thank but it all goes out the window when your name is announced and you’re given a crown and a trophy. I was overwhelmed by support and I realized just how many friends I have made over the years.

Being crowned has been a dream of mine for many years. It seems like just yesterday I was researching this thing called burlesque and admiring performers like Dirty Martini and Julie Atlas Muz.

I fell in love with the art form and I devoted my life to becoming a better performer. Over the years I met various Queens, each time like meeting a hero. I was so nervous the first time I met Dirty Martini. I was afraid a woman of her stature would not have the time or patience for a young performer like me. I couldn’t have been any further from the truth.

Or the first time I met Julie Atlas Muz. I went to New York to perform with This or That! where Julie was the co-host. She was always a huge inspiration to me. I wanted a picture with her after the show but was almost too afraid to ask. Julie’s huge smile could soften the hardest of hearts. I got my picture only to lose the camera the following day. I was more upset about losing the photo than the actual camera.

Dirty, Julie and many other Exotic World winners are Queens in the truest sense and have inspired me in some form or another. I’m honoured to be mentioned among them.

So many of the performers, producers and fans are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. So many people have supported me over the years and without them I wouldn’t be where I am.

I’ll never be able to thank everybody. So many of you helped me get to where I am and many of you are still helping me.

Years ago I was looking for people I could perform with. My Detroit sister Sparkly Devil suggested I get in touch with Skin Tight Outta Sight form Toronto. They gave me a chance and I traveled the 4 hours to Toronto just to be on stage with them. Tanya Cheex and Sauci Calla Horra are like my pageant moms and continue to support me.

My family and friends always supported my choice to live this bizarre life. They knew absolutely nothing about burlesque but always supported my efforts and many even made the trip to Las Vegas to cheer for me.

Many of the burlesque legends have offered advice and even praise. The legends are the reason why we have stages to perform on. Without Dixie Evans and the late Jennie Lee there wouldn’t be a Burlesque Hall of Fame or the Miss Exotic World crown. Everyone owes a debt of gratitude to Dixie and Jennie.

Big Fannie Annie has a wealth of knowledge and she’s always more than happy to share her opinions. She has supported me since we met and was one of the first people to congratulate me. The Devil’s Own Mistress, Satan’s Angel has always given me wonderful words and inspired me to be a better performer. She’s thinking about moving to Australia in the near future. If she does, there will be an irreplaceable gap in the burlesque community.

The crew at Theatre Bizarre in Detroit are like my extended family. They are some of the most creative people I’ve ever been around and they’ve given me many opportunities to shine.

I’m already hard at work coming up with my next numbers. I may have worked hard to get here but not nearly as hard as I’ll work to take it to the next level.

My schedule is filling up pretty quick and I’m excited to travel around and spread the Gospel of Burlesque. Hopefully, I will inspire a few performers along the way just as past Queens did for me.


Roxi Dlite, Originally published on June 12, 2010 at

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