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BHOF Weekend 2011 Legends Challenge

Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend is not only the world’s biggest and most prestigious burlesque gathering, it is also the longest running. Continuous since 1957, the weekend has its roots in Hall of Fame founder Jennie Lee‘s annual gathering of stars from the art’s heyday. Since Jennie’s passing in 1990, Dixie Evans has upheld that dream, growing the reunion from an informal, private gathering of retired exotics into the internationally renown four-day extravaganza now known as Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend.

Since Jennie’s widower, Charles Arroyo, passed away in 2006, BHOF has experienced many challenges—including relocating from Helendale, California to Las Vegas, NV. Five years later, we’re facing a critical tipping point… and we need your help, to ensure the museum’s survival and one of our proudest traditions.

As Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend has grown, so has our commitment to celebrating the women (and men) who made burlesque great. We are proud of our Living Legends—and we need your help to get as many of them as possible to Vegas this year.

We can’t spell “Burlesque” without “U”—so we’re issuing the official BHOF WEEKEND LEGENDS CHALLENGE for 2011!

That’s right, we’re challenging members of the international burlesque community to show their love for our Living Legends by helping us raise enough money to offset the cost of sending them to BHOF Weekend this June.

In today’s difficult financial climate, BHOF has very limited funds—and as such, our ability to cover travel costs for our honored guests has been severely compromised. By holding a BHOF WEEKEND LEGENDS CHALLENGE fundraiser , you will be personally responsible for “sending a superstar to Vegas,” thereby ensuring the continued success of both BHOF Weekend and the world’s only burlesque museum itself!

Sure, but… what do I get out of it?

–You’ll receive a signed certificate of honor
–You’ll be listed on the BHOF site as one of the official fundraiser contributors; we’ll link to your website and include you in press releases to national (and if we get any overseas participants, international) media
–We’ll send you an official kit designed to make your fundraiser as painless and profitable as possible
-You’ll be invited to an exclusive event during the BHOF weekend that is only open to BHOF Fundraising Challenge participants and the Legends whose travel you’ve helped sponsor. For every $500 you raise, you’ll receive  one (1) ticket to this event.
–The three biggest fundraisers will be honored with a special award, on stage at  Friday night’s Burlesque Reunion Showcase (Legends Night)
–You’ll enjoy that tremendous reward that comes from doing a good deed that will benefit the entire burlesque community as a whole.

Help preserve, celebrate and honor the living history of burlesque, and join the Fundraising Challenge.

Okay, I’m in. But first, tell me…

Is there a minimum amount I need to raise?

There’s no minimum, but we’re suggesting a goal of $1000 for each fundraiser.

Do you have any tips on how to produce a successful benefit?

Yes! Once you have signed up, we will send you a series of suggestions we’ve compiled that will help you produce a fantastic benefit.

Is there a cut off for fundraising?

To participate in the 2011 challenge, you must hold your benefit before June 1, 2011 and deliver the proceeds by June 5, 2011.

I can’t hold an event – is there still some way I can help?

Yes! By donating directly to the museum, donating your frequent flyer miles, or donating an item to the official BHOF fundraising auction. More details on the auction TBA.

How do I sign up?

Email with your confirmed date and venue, venue capacity, proposed ticket price, city and state, and the name of your troupe, group or show. Note: You must have a confirmed date and location before we can add you to the site.

Can I sponsor a specific Legend?

Yes, but please contact us first at to determine if the Legend is already being sponsored. Legend sponsorships are determined on a first come, first serve basis.

Someone has already signed up to do a benefit in my city. Can I still do one?

Yes. The more, the merrier! But please coordinate with the other fundraiser(s) so the dates of your events don’t conflict.




  1. Reply
    Legends Challenge Update – Burlesque Hall of Fame says:

    […] Special thanks to all of the performers and producers who answered our call for participants in the 2011 Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Legends Challenge. We’ll be updating this list as new […]

  2. Reply
    2011 Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Legends Challenge | Femme Vivre's Vaudelesque Adventures says:

    […] 2011 Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Legends Challenge Posted on April 7, 2011 by Femme Vivre I am delighted to accept the challenge of helping send a living legend of burlesque to Las Vegas for this year’s Burlesque Hall Of Fame Reunion.  Since its beginning in 1957, the annual reunion has grown into the wondrous and star-studded affair that it is today.  It is the greatest treasure to have the honor of mingling with the beautiful, passionate, and talented women who have passed their trade on to us; to hear these ladies’ stories and see them perform is more exciting and inspiring than most anything I’ve witnessed. With the help of Divertida Devotchka and Violet O’Hara, I’m building up a team of DFW’s marvelous performers and vendors to help achieve the $1,000 Legends Challenge goal and would be delighted to work with anyone who is interested in lending a hand to these honorable women.  So far we have the following fundraisers scheduled: *We will be dedicating a raffle basket to the Legends Challenge at Viva Dallas Burlesque, at the Lakewood Theatre, Dallas TX, Friday May 6.  Raffle tickets will be $1. *We will also be dedicating a raffle basket to the Legends Challenge at Viva Burlesque, at The Aardvark Bar, Ft. Worth, TX, Saturday May 7.  Raffle tickets will be $1. *We will be hosting a Burly-Q Bake Sale and dedicating a raffle basket to the Legends Challenge at Hot Rods and Heels, the Largest Pin-Up Event in Texas, at the Lakewood Theatre, Dallas, TX, Saturday May 21.  Raffle tickets will be $1; bake sale prices will vary. […]

  3. Reply
    Naked Girls Reading: Burlesque Legends « says:

    […] is a benefit for Satans Angel (and part of the Burlesque Hall of Fame’s LEGENDS CHALLENGE) 100% of the proceeds will be sent to Satans Angel so she can attend the Burlesque Hall of […]

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Burlesque Hall of Fame