Congratulations to 2024 Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship recipient, Stella Gams

Congratulations to Stella Gams, our 2024 Sparkly Devil Memorial Scholarship recipient! Stella was selected for her work in creating and maintaining a diverse burlesque community in Yellowknife (Sǫ̀ mbak’è) in Canada’s Northwest Territories, and her commitment to improvement of both herself and her community. “I am overwhelmed with deep gratitude

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New exhibition open now: Let’s Get Loud! The Heritage of Latin Burlesque

Burlesque, an art form known for its flamboyant performances and vibrant displays, has been significantly influenced by the rich and diverse artistry of Latine music, movement, and visual culture. The Burlesque Hall of Fame’s new exhibition, Let’s Get Loud!, highlights the profound impact of Latine creativity on burlesque throughout history.

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