For the protection and safety of the performers, attendees, staff, and the dozens of burlesque Legends who attend the Weekender every year, we have decided to move the 2020 BHoF Weekender online. With the ability to safely hold large public events still uncertain, and travel restrictions preventing access to the large number of international performers and audience members who typically attend, a traiditional in-person event would be difficult, if not impossible, to host, and unsatisfactory even if we could.
Details on the online Weeekender will be available on the BHoF Weekender home page at BHoFWeekend.com as the event develops. Performers accepted into the 2020 Weekender will be given the option to be included in the 2021 Weekender instead. We will also be contacting any sponsors or vendors who have made payments to arrange their online participation or to organize refunds.
Going digital is a major challenge but one that the Weekender Production Team is poised to undertake. We have the best producers in the burlesque industry on our team and we are ready to meet this challenge head-on. With planning no longer limited by physical location, the virtual festival will be widely different from our traditional format, and we are excited to share this with our community.