Here at BHOF, our mission is to record and document burlesque history, and the quarantine, closure of theaters and other venues, and shift of burlesque performers to online production is nothing if not historic. We know many of you have found ways to keep the tassels twirling during this pandemic, and we would love to be able to document your virtual endeavors.
To that end, we are asking burlesque performers and producers who have launched online projects to submit a copy for the museum’s digital archive, for future research and to create exhibitions telling the story of this strange new world we entered in 2020.
To submit your project, please complete the form below, and upload your video file and a signed release form (DOWNLOAD HERE, print, sign,and scan or photograph;PDF 402k) to: https://www.dropbox.com/request/Sxg9wc7a5FMMzox5tnvh (Note: If file is rejected as too large, please contact us at info@burlesquehall.com and we’ll work out a different way to transfer your file to us.)
Please save your videos using your stage name or production name as the filename, and if at all possible in mp4 or mpg format. (Example: BurlsqueHallofFame.mp4, DixieEvans.mpg)
(Note: please only submit content you have the rights to.)
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