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Virtual Film Screening and Filmmakers’ Talk: Coby and Stephen Are In Love

Join us online on May 13, 6pm PDT, for a virtual screening of the short film Coby and Stephen Are In Love, celebrating the unlikely relationship between an Asian-American burlesque star of the 1940s and ’50s and a white hippie child of the ’60s twenty years her junior. United by their love of dance, the two built a life together through shared aesthetic virtues.

We will be joined by the film’s directors, Luka Yuanyuan Yang and Carlo Nassise, who will discuss their inspiration in making the movie, their relationship with the film’s subjects, and their next upcoming projects. The screening and talk will be followed by a Q&A and a sneak peak at Yang’s latest project, Women’s World, which also features Coby Yee as a central figure.

Register now for only $5; proceeds support the Burlesque Hall of Fame.

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Burlesque Hall of Fame