"Shop Small" and "Museum Store Stunday: Be a Patron" logos over BHoF t-shirt display

Support Small Businesses and Museum Stores Like BHoF

You’ve heard of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday”, the days after Thanksgiving that kick off the holiday shopping season with a mad frenzy of competitive bargain-hunting and retail excess? Well, we aren’t here to tell you not to shop that weekend, but we are here to tell you, there’s a

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#MuseumAtHome: Hispanic and Latin Heritage Month 2021

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Burlesque Hall of Fame has partnered with burlesque historian and performer Bella Sin to highlight the careers and contributions of performers throughout the Latin burlesque world. New material will be released daily on our Instagram and Facebook pages, and this page will be

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Lux LaCroix

BHoF Welcomes New Board Member Lux LaCroix

Please join us in welcoming performer and filmmaker Lux LaCroix to our board. Lux is an award-winning burlesque performer, professional dancer, choreographer, performance artist, and documentary filmmaker. Her talent, dedication to the art of burlesque, and commitment to the burlesque community make her a welcome addition to our board as

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Promotional Poster for "Coby and Stephen Are In Love"

Virtual Film Screening and Filmmakers’ Talk: <em>Coby and Stephen Are In Love</em>

Join us online on May 13, 6pm PDT, for a virtual screening of the short film Coby and Stephen Are In Love, celebrating the unlikely relationship between an Asian-American burlesque star of the 1940s and ’50s and a white hippie child of the ’60s twenty years her junior. United by

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Facade of the Burlesque Hall of Fame museum


CONTACT:Dustin M. Waxdustin@burlesquehall.com(888) 661-6465 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BURLESQUE HALL OF FAME TO RE-OPEN APRIL 2 The world’s premiere museum of burlesque offers a unique look into a spectacular history March 25, 2021 – LAS VEGAS – After over a year closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Burlesque Hall of

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‘Tis the Season for Giving. And Shopping!

The weekend after Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday shopping season in the United States and even beyond. To help make these days count, Small Business Saturday (Nov 28) and Museum Store Sunday (Nov 29) were created to direct at least some of that shopping to places where your patronage can do the most good,

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Banner for 2020 Virtual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender, featuring purple background and rhinestoned crowns

Virtual Museum Tour

The museum is closed at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! Join us for a live virtual tour, offered several times throughout the month of August as part of our 2020 Virtual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender! Each tour will last 30-60 minutes via Zoom (you’ll

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Banner for 2020 Virtual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender, featuring purple background and rhinestoned crowns

Virtual Museum Tour

The museum is closed at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! Join us for a live virtual tour, offered several times throughout the month of August as part of our 2020 Virtual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender! Each tour will last 30-60 minutes via Zoom (you’ll

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Museum guide giving a tour, standing in front of pink wall covered with black and white photos of burlesque dancers, next to mannequin wearing red burlesque dress

Virtual Museum Tour

The museum is closed at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! Join us for a live virtual tour, offered several times throughout the month of August as part of our 2020 Virtual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender! Each tour will last 30-60 minutes via Zoom (you’ll

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